Anne Frank House in Amsterdam: Confined Space as an Experiencescape

Aleksandra Korpysz-Wiśnieska

Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. University of Warsaw


The Anne Frank House is a very literal and powerful example of a confined space, where numerous and diverse experiences took place and are still taking place. In the first part of the article the author focuses on the original experiences of Anne Frank during her time in hiding during the Second World War, which were recorded in her diary. Nowadays, the same building hosts the Anne Frank Museum, which is one of the most popular museums in the Netherlands. The author of this article analyses the opinions of visitors published on TripAdvisor and notes that the experience of visiting this museum is connected with various strong emotions. This experience is often considered to be unique and one of a kind. On this basis, she suggests that the Anne Frank Museum, and the Secret Annex in particular, can be considered as an experiencescape.


Amsterdam, Anne Frank, Secret Annex, experiences

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Aleksandra Korpysz-Wiśnieska 
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. University of Warsaw


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