The Space of the Frame/outside the Frame: On Photographic Shots in "Ida" and "Zimna wojna" by Paweł Pawlikowski

On photographic shots in Ida and The Cold War

Barbara Kita

Institut of Culture Studies. Faculty of Humanities. University of Silesia in Katowice


The deliberations undertaken focus on the issues of shaping film space, frame composition and what happens beyond the frame. The premise is to explore the aesthetic aspects of the films, resulting primarily from the juxtaposition of shots of a photographic nature (in vivo) with moving film images. The non-standard composition of the frames in both films, based on shifting the centre to the edge of the frame (deframing) and the multiplication of additional frames: windows, doors, doorframes, etc. result in a significant play with space. The creators’ use of the above-mentioned filmmaking practices and still (photographic) images forces the viewer to reflect on the destiny of the protagonists. The stillness and silence so often used in both films, are objective aspects of photography, but above all of death, which accompanies Wanda, Ida, Zula and Wiktor from the beginning.


space, film, frame, photography, Paweł Pawlikowski

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Barbara Kita 
Institut of Culture Studies. Faculty of Humanities. University of Silesia in Katowice


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