Some Remarks on Space in „Empuzjon” by Olga Tokarczuk

Roman Bobryk

Faculty of Humanities. Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities


The novel Empuzjon by Olga Tokarczuk is set in the autumn of 1913 in the spa town of Gërbersdorf located in the Sudetes. The town, the centre of which is the spa house, is situated in a valley surrounded by forested hillsides. This location makes the town an enclosed space. This space is the opposite of the surrounding mountain space. This contrast can be described by the oppositions 'civilisation - nature' and 'masculine - feminine' (where the space of nature is feminine and 'wild/primal', while the world of the town is dominated by the masculine element). From the perspective of the biography of the main character, the androgynous Mieczyslaw Wojnicz, the vertical axis of the world plays an important role. His development proceeds from the memories of trips to the basement during his childhood to the attic in the guesthouse in Gërbersdorf.


Olga Tokarczuk, space, psychoanalysis, identity

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Roman Bobryk 
Faculty of Humanities. Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities


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