Semiotic Reflections on Reversed Geopoetics

Jacek Kaczmarek

Faculty of Gegraphical Sciences. University of Lodz

Armina Kapusta

Faculty of Geographical Sciences. University of Lodz


The considerations on geopoetics have so far emphasized the assumption that geographical experience determines the foundations for the creation of a literary work. The accepted premises for practicing space allowed  the so-called topographic turn in the humanities. In the presented research concept, we are heading in a different direction, namely we would like to consider the following formulation: poetics precedes geographical experience. Therefore, we introduce the term reversed geopoetics. We assume that the word shapes the landscape and that it is the cause of spatial determination. We chose a void as the essence of our research, in which we perceive the lack of someone or something and wait for potential events. One can consider “nothing” instead of the ubiquitous “something”. We called this thread of thinking, entering a new epistemological area, “the geography of absence”. In the considerations presented, we used elements of the semiotics of space.


reversed geopoetics, semiotics of space, geography of absence, geographical experience

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Jacek Kaczmarek 
Faculty of Gegraphical Sciences. University of Lodz
Armina Kapusta 
Faculty of Geographical Sciences. University of Lodz


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