“Collecting Crumbs of Reality”: Sylwia Chutnik’s Story about the Everyday Life of Varsovians in the mid-1950s

Elżbieta Sidoruk

Faculty of Philology. University of Bialystok


The article discusses Sylwia Chutnik’s book Miasto zgruzowstałe. Codzienność Warszawy w latach 1954-1955 [The city rising from ruins. Daily life in Warsaw in the years 1954-1955] (Warsaw 2020). Analysing the selection of source materials, the methodology and the structure of the work, the author of the review points to a clear link between Chutnik’s field of interest as a cultural studies scholar, her writing and social activism. In the reviewer’s opinion, both the method of presenting the problems and the emotional attitude to her hometown, visible in the narrative, testify to Chutnik’s engaged attitude as a researcher.


anthropology of everyday life, urban studies, spatial practices, genius loci of Warsaw

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Elżbieta Sidoruk 
Faculty of Philology. University of Bialystok https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6132-5808


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