Who Does the City Belong To? Some Comments on One Novel by K.M. Bakow
Tomasz Bielak
Institut of Literary Studies. Faculty of Humanities. University of Silesia in Katowicehttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0151-4260
The article looks at the question of using urban studies as a set of interpretive techniques in analyzing popular literature – especially in its most popular genre – crime fiction. On the basis of K.M. Bakov's debut novel Albatros i hiena [Albatross and hyena], set in Bielsko-Biała, the author of the article shows how the criminal intrigue is enriched by a specific way of showing urban space and how it relates to the main character, detective Ewa Orlowska. The proposed model of interpretation can be used in discussing subsequent novels by the author of Padlinożercy [Scavengers] and fits into the framework of geopoetics and text interpretation.
geopoetics, urban space, urban studies, popular literature, crime novelsReferences
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Institut of Literary Studies. Faculty of Humanities. University of Silesia in Katowice https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0151-4260
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