French Homobiographies in the Shadow of Swastika

Krzysztof Trojanowski

Institut of Literary Studies. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


The article presents the plight of homosexuals in the Nazi occupied France. The provision discriminating against homosexual people was introduced into French penal code in 1942. It was put forward by the collaborative Vichy government  promoting moral improvement and the cult of procreation. However, as the article claims, homosexuality was not a considerable obstacle in the professional career or politics, which applied both to the collaborators as well as members of the resistance. Such writers as Jean Genet, Henry de Montherlant or Jean Cocteau would hide their sexuality behind literary fiction. The most known French victim of that discriminating law was Pierre Seel, a prisoner of concentration camp who was from Alsace incorporated into German territory. The anti-homosexual discriminatory provision  was annulled as late as in 1982.


homosexuality, France, World War II, German ocupation, Vichy government

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Krzysztof Trojanowski 
Institut of Literary Studies. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


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