Locomobility as a Figure of Fate of Nineteenth-Century (Poznan) Philologists

Adela Kobelska

Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw


The article recalls the tradition of the 19th-century Polish philology in Poznań, which, although informal for the lack  university structure, engaged literary scholars associated with Poznań. The original placement and local constraints  –  resulting mainly from the lack of university and the struggle to establish it – entailed a number of pragmatic transformations: geographical (study and work at German universities), institutional (non-academic employment of the philologists), as well as disciplinary (between classical, Slavic and Polish philology). The study case discussed in the article is the story of Hipolit Cegielski,  a philologist turned into an engineer and industrialist. To define the nature of this transformation, the author proposes the category of locomobility  (a forced change of location). The text  argues that locomobility is a figure of fate of the nineteenth-century Poznan philologists. Thus, it also is a determining factor of pre-university literary studies in Poznań.


locomotive subject, history of literary studies, Polish studies, Poznań, Hipolit Cegielski

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Adela Kobelska 
Faculty of Polish Studies. University of Warsaw https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4357-9230


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