Speaking on Sex/Gender in a Non-dualizing Way: Preliminary Remarks

Marzenna Cyzman-Eid

Institut of Literary Studies. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


The article analyzes Judith Butlers discourse on sex/gender and refers to the philosophical concept of the non-dualizing mode of speaking proposed by the Austrian philosopher Josef Mitterer. In the opinion of the author, Butler non-intentionally seems to use the non-dualizing rhetoric when discussing sex/gender differentiation, especially when she considers the performative understanding of gender. According to the non-dualizing logic, there is no difference between sex and gender for both are the product of social and cultural practices. Sex, gender, femininity are notions which are not stable, constant and coherent. They cannot be treated as objective and independent from the discourse. The conclusions coming from both conceptions may have significant pragmatic consequences in social and political practices, allowing formulation of less oppressive statements on sex/gender.


sex, gender, non-dualizing mode of speaking, discourse, Josef Mitterer, Judith Butler

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Marzenna Cyzman-Eid 
Institut of Literary Studies. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5530-2351


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