Things That Harm: Cyprian Norwid’s Krakus

Elżbieta Dąbrowicz

Wydział Filologiczny, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The contemporary “material turn” in cultural and anthropological studies or rather “defence of things” has inspired a fresh reflection upon the poetry of Cyprian Norwid, whose works have for long shown the poets acute awareness of the material world. The article analyses the “tragedy” Krakus. The conflict between two characters, Rakuz and Krakus, manifests itself in the scene with unconventional use of a horse spur. Rakuz injures his brother, and the wound creates a divide between them. Symbolically, however, it differentiates between two modes of action, “pragmatic” and “ideal” and consequently, it outlines the conflicting roles of the ruler and the saviour.


material turn, poetry, Cyprian Norwid, Krakus

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Elżbieta Dąbrowicz 
Wydział Filologiczny, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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