Józef Tischner as a Hermeneutic (of Literature): A Case Study

Cezary Zalewski

Faculty of Polish Studies. Jagiellonian University in Kraków


The article analyzes the interpretation of Witold Gombrowicz’s The Wedding by Józef Tischner, the founder of the philosophy of drama. It distinguished and describes three stages of exegesis. It also explores what hermeneutics defines as pre-understanding of the text. In Tischner's case, there are four constitutive assumptions of his own philosophy of drama. The article also points to the passages of the text that were omitted by the philosopher and explains the reasons for this decision. The most important of these is the ambiguous status of such concepts as mimesis, reciprocity and desire, which Gombrowicz developed in the drama.


philosophy of drama, hermeneutics, interpretation, Józef Tichner, Witold Gombrowicz

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Cezary Zalewski 
Faculty of Polish Studies. Jagiellonian University in Kraków https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6341-8592


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