Two Codes of Mr. Cogito. Remarks about the Framing Device of Zbigniew Herbert’s Collection "Mr. Cogito"

Marcin Całbecki

Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Gdański


The article is an interpretation of the first and last work of the volume published in 1974, which outline a different formula for treating ethical issues. The traditional, value-based vision of morality from the Message of Mr. Cogito is related to post-humanistic vision of the epiphany of the body expressed in the poem Mr. Cogito observes his face in the mirror. This combination makes Herbert’s volume ambiguous and complicates the unequivocal reading of the whole.


polish poetry, interpretation, ethics, epiphany, post-humanism

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Marcin Całbecki 
Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Gdański


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