Playing (with) Discourses: Exposing the Mechanisms of Ideological Power in Jakub Żulczyk’s “Czarne słońce”

Monika Sikorska

Doctoral School of Humanities. University of Warsaw


This article is a critical analysis of Jakub Żulczyk's novel Czarne słońce [Black sun], which is a dystopian image of social reality dominated by ideological discourses. The analysis concerns the mechanisms of power  shown in the novel: constructing its relationships and reproducing them. This work can be read as a social hyperbole that reveals the hidden lies and manipulations  and also unveils  the process of creating and controlling the subjects of ideological power. Czarne słońce also demonstrates how ideological discourse can become a source of repressive patterns and stereotypes and a trigger for violence, social stigmatization and exclusion. The author of the novel created a grotesque and ironic world  which  shows the dangers of dividing and structuring societies. This subsequently leads to their polarization and the building of hostility towards otherness.


power, discourse, ideology, fascism, violence

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Monika Sikorska 
Doctoral School of Humanities. University of Warsaw


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