Walking Through “Unclosed Territories” or Tracing the Forms of Geographical Expressions

Jacek Kaczmarek

Instytut Geografii Miast i Turyzmu, Uniwersytet Łódzki


The text defines the concept of “unclosed territories”, the third category proposed by the author which completes his methodology of encoding, reading and interpreting geographical places. The author’s argument holds that physical accessibility of space does not automatically imply its openness. Further, in order to understand the visited space one must walk in the footsteps left by others. These may include a literary text, music, dance and interplay of senses. Leaving traces in physical space is an individual act tinted by “geographical expressions”. The author’s reflections draw from a variety of cultural texts and his own itineraries.


geography, literature, space, unclosed territories, geographical expressions


Jacek Kaczmarek 
Instytut Geografii Miast i Turyzmu, Uniwersytet Łódzki


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