Education as a Tool of Governance

Bożena Karwowska

University of British Columbia in Vancouver


This article discusses the role of education in the creation of modern society. Drawing upon her observations on the situation of indigenous peoples in Canada and the colonisation processes carried out through education, such as depicted in Joanna Gierak-Onoszko's reportage 27 śmierci Toby’ego Obeda [The 27 deaths of Toby Obed], the author analyses Natalia Rolleczek's Drewniany różaniec [The wooden rosary] and Alicja Iwańska’s Baśń amerykańska [The American fairy tale]. The contexts evoked allow for broader reflections on the transformations in education and their significance in contemporary society.


education, colonialisation, Catholic church, charity

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Bożena Karwowska 
University of British Columbia in Vancouver


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