“Each Family Needs a Name and a Past” – Remembering and Forgetting in Literary Representation of Hajnówka in Michał Androsiuk’s Fiction

Katarzyna Sawicka-Mierzyńska

Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The article offers the reading of Michał Androsiuk’s "Biały koń", "Wagon drugiej klasy" in the context of remembrance, addressing the question of identity of Belarusians in Podlasie region. A borderland town of Hajnówka becomes the place where individual and collective memory, History, and imagination intersect. Finally, it appears that the long-lasting cohesive national identity, while grounded on false premises, might prove to be more tempting or convenient than the complex, equivocal frontier past.


memory, identity, Belarusians, borderland, Podlasie, Michał Androsiuk


Katarzyna Sawicka-Mierzyńska 
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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