Urban Poetics – Recodification

Maciej Dajnowski

Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet Gdański


The paper is a critical review of the book entitled New Urban Poetics (ed. M. Roszczynialska, K. Wądolny-Tatar, Kraków 2015), which, in the author’s opinion, is a valuable source of new interpretative concepts in the field of geopoetics and ‘philological branch’ of urban studies. The book is a result of a conference held in Kraków in the autumn of 2013. It provides an overview of new theoretical ideas and analyses of contemporary Polish literary works, which can be considered as a reflection of the current condition of Polish geopoetics, as well as an inspiration for the upcoming projects.


geographical space, poetics, geopoetics, urban studies


Maciej Dajnowski 
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet Gdański


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