Elusiveness of Irony

Elżbieta Sidoruk

Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The text discusses the book "Co z tą ironią?", whose author, Zofia Mitosek, distinguishes between critical irony and irony of doubt. Pointing out the differences in the world view aspect of those two types of irony, Mitosek claims that the first one is specific for “ironic attitude”, while the second one characterizes “ironic consciousness”. The article, however, questions the validity of such categorization in analytical practice. The final conclusion emphasises the fact that it is very difficult to make clear-cut division between the two types of irony.


irony, ironic attitude, ironic consciousness, satire


Elżbieta Sidoruk 
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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