Ethos Reflected, Ethos Created. Confronting Experience and Forming Identity in Autobiographical Writings of Jan Szczepański, Józef Pilch and Jan Wantuła
Katarzyna Szkaradnik
Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet ŚląskiAbstract
The article explores new literary regional traits in autobiographical texts of Jan Szczepański, Józef Pilch and Jan Wantuła. The authors share common social background, all having been raised as Evangelical boys in Śląsk Cieszyński. While none of them has a formal literary background in strict sense, their texts show an interesting dynamics of narrative meanings. The reader is referred to the writers’ homeland, their own values, moral imperatives, and idiosyncratic understanding of Evangelical-pheasant ethos. The essay shows how this ethos is formed in narration to build the context for the interpretation of uneasy past experience.
autobiographical writings, experience, identity, Evangelicalpheasnt ethosWydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet Śląski
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