Nostalgia za Początkiem. „Mały Tel Awiw” i jego audiosfera w Tel Awiw haKtana Natana Altermana

Beata Tarnowska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The subject of this article is the image of old Tel Aviv and its phonic space in Natan Alterman’s prose. A characteristic quality of the Tel-Aviv audio-sphere is mutual permeation of sounds which are part of the world of nature and those generated by people and their civilizational activity. On the one hand, the poet expresses his pride of the growing city, whose noise, interpreted as a manifestation of youthful dynamism, becomes a sign of transformation into a big metropolis, but, on the other hand, reveals a nostalgia for the past: both connected with the origins of the city, as well as with the distant diaspora.


space, city, nostalgia, Natan Alterman


Beata Tarnowska 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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