N-dimensional Space and Smell. Observations on Futurism

Magdalena Kokoszka

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The author’s subject of interest is olfactory experience and its effect on the form of the space presented by futurists. The futurists develop new sensitivity, open to “sharp” stimuli, and not avoiding dissonances. The smell becomes in this context a component of the constructed space, appertaining to the forms of intensity, dynamic forms. The scent appeals to intuition rather than reasonable calculation, encouraging the futurist “new opening”. Also a broader context of the considerations seems important: the pursuit, declared in program texts of the futurists, of going beyond the convention of three dimension towards an n-dimensional space experienced with all senses; in other words the will to differentiate the ways of perception in order to enrich special imagination.


futurism, poetics, space, senses, smell


Magdalena Kokoszka 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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