Journey as Reading. Sensual, Intellectual and Intertextual Expeditions

Renata Makarska

Uniwersytet im. Jana Gutenberga w Moguncji/Germersheim


In this article journeys to autobiographical places of the selected writers (Andrzej Stasiuk, Egon Bondy, Ondra Łysohorsky) are interpreted as a form of intensified reading of their works. Travel texts (written by Jáchym Topol, Jacek Podsiadło and Bogdan Trojak) resulting from such a sensual reading naturally refer to both pretexts as well as biographies of the authors visited. It is not important if the travellers meet these authors in person or not. The ways of moving in space are simultaneously cognitive figures of the texts created: deviation from the mainstream of the journey becomes visible both in the digressive nature of the narration as well as in the multiple intertextual connections.


journey, autobiographical places, sensual reading, intertextuality


Renata Makarska 
Uniwersytet im. Jana Gutenberga w Moguncji/Germersheim


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