On the Reception of Baśka i Barbara by Zofia Romanowiczowa

Arkadiusz Morawiec

Katedra Literatury Polskiej XX i XXI wieku, Uniwersytet Łódzki


The text concerns the most notable, next to Passage through the Red Sea, literary accomplishment of Zofia Romanowiczowa – the 1956 novel Baśka i Barbara. It was the first emigration book to appear on Polish bookselling market, and its two 1958 Polish editions launched a vivid discussion among literary critics, columnists, educationalists, and, the so called, regular readers. It received all due attention for being, first of all, an exquisite and innovative literary text on motherhood. Moreover, however, the book now provides a moving commentary on such current issues as upbringing and education of emigrant children, their identity, bilingualism, and multiculturalism.


identity, emigration, bilingualism, multiculturalism, motherhood, Zofia Romanowiczowa


Arkadiusz Morawiec 
Katedra Literatury Polskiej XX i XXI wieku, Uniwersytet Łódzki


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