Podlasie and Bialystok in Contemporary Polish Comics
Marek Kochanowski
Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAbstract
The article presents the image of Podlasie and Bialystok in three comic books: Tymczasem by Grzegorz Janusz and Przemysław Truściński, Pocztówki z Białegostoku by Joanna Karpowicz, and Siedem + dwa by Paulina Drobnikowska and Andrzej Bajguz. The spaces analysed are fragmentary in character, while Joanna Karpowicz's comic reveals especially clearly the relationship between metaphorical narrative and fragmentary nature of the comic and the image of Bialystok which is a palimpsest of things, with its contemporary architecture enriched with images from the city's cultural and ethnic past. The comic books analysed represent various means of describing space, while their shared characteristic is the subject matter of multi-culturalism, ethnicity, memory, identity, history and youth.
comics, popular literature, Podlasie, komiksy, komiks polski, literatura popularnaUniwersytet w Białymstoku
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