"Culture for Everyone". The French Model of Cultural Policy

Małgorzata Kamecka

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The author presents the main rules of cultural policy introduced by André Malraux, who ran the French Ministry of culture in the years 1959-1969. Malraux, who aimed to "give to the largest possible number of citizens access to the great works of culture (particularly French culture)", assigned to his department a special role in popularising culture and bridging differences between the province and the capital. Even though later the writer met with the accusation of designing a model based on an excessive interference of the state into the realm of culture, one cannot overestimate his insights into the special place of culture and art in social life.


André Malraux, cultural policy, community centre, province, metropolis, decentralisation, polityka kulturalna


Małgorzata Kamecka 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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