"Not a trace of tropical charm". Witkacy's Ethical Views in the Texts from his Journey in 1914

Agnieszka Kałowska

Uniwersytet Łódzki


The article aims to analyse assorted texts by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz in the context of postcolonial theory. The author analyses the language used by Witkacy to talk about Oriental Others in the letters written during his trip and immediately following its conclusion and in reportage. It also shows how the author, on the one hand, challenges the usurpations of Orientalistic discourse and, on the other, willingly repeats colonial gestures, yet engages in the latter only when these gestures have no real consequences.


Witkacy, orientalism, tropics, post-colonialism, Bronisław Malinowski, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz


Agnieszka Kałowska 
Uniwersytet Łódzki


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