New Regionalism? A Research Reconnaissance and an Outline of Perspectives (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 11-12 October 2012)

Renata Makarska

Uniwersytet w Tybindze


The article constitutes a report on the Uniwersytet Zielonogórski conference (11-12 October 2012) initiating a several years-long project devoted to the new take on regionalism in Poland – both in the research in the field of literature and culture, and in lite¬ra¬ry criticism. Analysing the problems dealt with in the papers presented, the author points to the influence on reflection on regionalism of topographic turn, geopoetics, the model of autobiographical place, and post-colonial research.


region, literary regionalism, topographic turn, geopoetics, autobiographical places


Renata Makarska 
Uniwersytet w Tybindze


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