A Church or a Temple – a Few Notes on the Subject of the Language of Enlightenment Poets

Paweł Pluta

Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich


The article takes up the question of poetic semantics of the words 'temple' and 'church', focusing on the theme of co-presence of these two words in the poetry of the Polish enlightenment era. The analysis’s exemplificative material comprises 'Kościoły śmierci' by M. Czarnek and A. Naruszewicz, 'Kościół Temidy' by F.D. Kniaźnin, 'Żona modna' by I. Krasicki and translatory works by J. Koblański.


temple, church, poetry, poetic semantics, Polish enlightenment


Paweł Pluta 
Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich


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