‘Tropa’ (way) à la Russe: the Concept of Nomadism According to 'North Diary' by Mariusz Wilk

Anna Sobieska

Instytut Badań Literackich, PAN Warszawa


The paper contains an interpretation of Mariusz Wilk’s concept of ‘nomadism’, ‘way’, and ‘wandering’, formulated in his 'North Diary' ('Wilczy notes', 'Wołoka', 'Dom nad Oniego', 'Tropami rena'). The author presents some parallels between Wilk’s vision and the ideas of his masters: Kenneth White’s idea of intellectual nomadism; the zen or buddhist concept of the wandering; and the religious-mythological ideas of Nikolai Kluiev, the poet inspired by the symbolic model of the Russian orthodox house. Pointing to similarities, the author observes that Wilk’s version of traveling is a very Russian one, i.e. his nomadism is an ideal of the maximalist life-art; it parallels the spiritual pilgrimage of body and mind; it is a type of mystical ascetism, which tries to transcend all intellectual or physical borders; and, finally, it is Russian in the author's emphasis on the identification of the ‘way’ with singing, and of creating a new world by singing.


intellectual nomadism, spiritual pilgrimage, Russia, Mariusz Wilk


Anna Sobieska 
Instytut Badań Literackich, PAN Warszawa


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