‘Open all, even the rusted, receptive flaps’. Melchior Wańkowicz's Journalistic Sensorium

Beata Nowacka

Uniwersytet Śląski


The article discusses one of Melchior Wańkowicz's main works. His journalistic travels lead him to major countries in Europe, several countries in Asia, and some across the Atlantic. His American travels are particularly important to the writer (who wanted to make the U.S. his adoptive homeland), but his American trilogy does not belong to the author's most successful works, which might prove that, despite his efforts, Wańkowicz does not understand American reality. The author ascribes this to the fact that, perhaps, in contact with a technology-oriented culture, Wańkowicz's journalistic sense fades.


journalism, travel, America, senses


Beata Nowacka 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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