Home Again, Against All Odds

Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewiczaw Poznaniu


The article constitutes a comparative analysis of Hanna Krall's Wyjątkowo długa linia and Jenny Erpenbeck's Klucz do ogrodu. Introducing the motif of the home, often-exploited in Polish and German literature, both writers infuse the subject with a "fresh" energy of social communication, especially in the field of the so-called historical grand narratives, both writers working within their particular socio-cultural spaces. The analysis of their writings shows that the meaningful topos merely exacerbates the complexity – if not the state of a certain clinch of space – of time and place, and their accumulation, which invariably appears in the newest prose when it enters into close relationship with historicity.


home, social communication, space, historicity, Hanna Krall, Jenny Erpenbeck


Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewiczaw Poznaniu


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