Metaphors of the End of Colonization: Kapuściński-Antunes (a Reconnaissance)

Beata Nowacka

Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The article compares two books about the consequences of the Angolan Civil War which were written by two distinguished contemporary writers who took part in the events from the 1970s. One is Ryszard Kapuściński, the author of the literary reportage Another Day of Life who worked as a war correspondent for Polish Press Agency. Another one is António Lobo Antunes, the author of The Return of the Caravels – a novel about a young Portuguese soldier forced to defend the anachronistic order. While both authors sympathized with the opposing conflicting parties, they share a decidedly anti-colonial view. The criticism is voiced differently, though. Kapuściński condemns the very idea of colonial rule; Antunes’ scathing judgment centers around the national myths of his own country. Despite apparent differences, both books are complementary in depicting the end of African colonization.


postcolonial criticism, Portugal, Africa, colonial empire, geographical discoveries

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Beata Nowacka 
Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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