Theocentric world in the narrative Kisielnyje bieriega by Irina Piatnickoj

Zoja Kuca

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Germanistyki i Lingwistyki Stosowanej


The present article is devoted to the deliberations on the subject of theocentrism in the narrative Kisielnyje bieriega by Irina Piatnickoj. Irina Piatnickoj is a modern Russian writer the works of whom focus primarily on spiritual reality as well as the creation of spiritual values. Each text written by Piatnickoj can beexamined from a Christian perspective. Religiosity, biblical themes, reminiscences shown both explicite and implicite. The way of life of the heroes of the writer is a kind of unchanging model of a thematic system: from sinfulness to sainthood. In the narrative Kisielnyje bieriega the writer presents the fate of young people who are in love and who had to go through a hard school of life. Thanks to divine providence their love survived and even more – it grew stronger in God. In the analysed texts the motif of searching for divine truth and finding the way to it develop in a mounting fashion. Moreover, the antinomy of such categories as faith and lack of faith, humbleness and pride, sainthood and sinfulness is exhibited. A great value of the analysed texts is a penetrating demonstration of the religious experience of the heroes, that is lay people.


вера, река, Божественный промысел, духовное возрастание, церковь

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Kuca, Z. (2017) “Theocentric world in the narrative Kisielnyje bieriega by Irina Piatnickoj”, Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 17, pp. 35–46. doi: 10.15290/sw.2017.17.03.

Zoja Kuca 
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Germanistyki i Lingwistyki Stosowanej