Perswazyjność w słowniku polsko-łotewskim z II połowy XX wieku

Konrad Kazimierz Szamryk

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


According to the sematic field theory the persuasion in Polish-Latvian dictionary (Lies 1970, Riga) has been analyzed by the author. The lexicography units from the semantic superfield “A man as a social human being” have been used as researched material. Polish-Latvian dictionary (JUMpl 1999, Riga) has been used to compare it. Persuasion in Lies has been used to indicate the importance of the lexicography units which were related to communist regime. They have been highlighted (emphasized) by including linguistic units connected to communism as examples and the others linguistic units by making affirmative association sequences. The lexicography units were straightly connected with freedom, democracy, capitalism or religion in the time of communism system and they have been depreciated in Lies dictionary by using methods such as: linguistic taboo, making negative association sequences and writing proper names by small letters.

Słowa kluczowe:

słownik polsko-łotewski, perswazja, leksykografia, Łotwa



Szamryk, K. K. (2008) „Perswazyjność w słowniku polsko-łotewskim z II połowy XX wieku”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (8), s. 161–173. doi: 10.15290/baj.2008.08.12.

Konrad Kazimierz Szamryk 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku