Egzotyzacja polskich nazw własnych refleksem społecznych zmian i potrzeb
Bogusław Nowowiejski
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
The author distinguishes two types of exotization: 1/ a phenomenon where Polish proper nouns are given original character, a/ mostly an extraordinary form, usually occidental sound/reading, rarely untypical word formation structure or b/ original content, that is situating proper nouns in untypical contexts, 2/ proper exotization where proper nouns are equipped with attributes of exotic marvel. Analyzing contemporary Polish propria, mainly antroponims (names, surnames, nicknames, tags) as well as zoonims and city/urban naming, the author predicts that due to still growing globalization tendencies, people’s migration, national languages internationalization, language mediatization and also traditional snobbism and linguistic fashion, a number of exotic names in Polish naming repertoire will significantly increase.