Osiemnastowieczne przysłowia w "Nowym dykcjonarzu" M.A. Trotza z perspektywy współczesnej
Beata Kuryłowicz
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
The subject of the article are proverbs excerpted from M. A. Trotz’s "Nowy
dykcjonarz" which, for different reasons, have not stood the test of time, have
been forgotten or replaced by other, easier to understand and more recent
constructions, or which are still present in the contemporary language but in
a changed form. The proverbs included in M. A. Trotz’s lexicon aremanifestations
of a colloquial language. Therefore, in a sense, they imitate the 18th century
"paremiotic" system, which was once used but is now largely forgotten.
The presentation and characterization of obsolete proverbs do not only fulfill
a documentary and cognitive purpose but, above all, visualize dynamism of
changes in a language and the world as well as an ensuing need to reach such
areas of the language and culture that have been weathered by history.
Słowa kluczowe:
forgotten proverbs, "Nowy dykcjonarz", Michał Abraham Trotz, contemporary perspective, 18th century