Słownictwo nazywające katolików i niekatolików w XVIII-wiecznych kazaniach ks. Krzysztofa Kluka
Konrad Kazimierz Szamryk
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
The article presents the analysis of lexical calling Catholics and non-
Catholics in the eighteenth-century sermons by priest Christopher Kluk – priest/scientist, parson of the parish in Ciechanowiec, KEN coworker. The vocabulary
of the homilies is divided into four linguistic fields: members of my religious
community, Christian-non-Catholics, non-Christians, atheists.
This studies has shown a clear domination of the Roman Catholic beliefs and
tendencies of everyday understanding of the religion, where there is an equal
sign between the Catholic and Christian. It was also found that the linguistic
field hChristian-non-Catholicsi in Kluk’s homilies is much smaller than the same
linguistic fields in the seventeenth-century preachers homilies. It may shows
that in the eighteenth century, the echoes of the Reformation has not proved
such a great emotion, even among ordinary priests.
język polski na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku, leksykologia, pola semantyczne, katolicy, niekatolicy