Metodologie językoznawcze a tekst retoryczny. Z doświadczeń analiz historycznej prozy użytkowej
Magdalena Smoleń-Wawrzusiszyn
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
This paper discusses methodological dilemmas that a linguist faces when
working on a historical rhetorical text. The author ponders upon the relationship between the variety of linguistic methodological approaches with the
pragmatic-linguistic stand as paramount and the rhetorical methodology. Also,
attempts at consolidating these two types of approach are ventured. The major
problem encountered by linguists is that the particular layers of analysis overlap, which is mostly due to the fact that the rhetorical plane of the text must
always be taken into account by the linguists in their analyses. The solution put
forward by the author is that of a syncretic approach: a harmonious consolidation
of the analytical linguistic methodology with the research tools developed by
classical rhetorical theory, leading to a consistent, holistic account of the subject
matter. These methodological reflections result from the author’s analysis of the
19th-century rhetoric texts by Jan Śniadecki.
metodologia językoznawcza, retoryka, synkretyzm metodologiczny, historyczna proza użytkowa