Verb-based approximations in Polish as a first language: acquiring and structuring the verbal lexicon
Dominika Jagielska
CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse University
We want to study two elements involved in the acquisition of Polish as a first
The first element is lexical hierarchy of verbs. We observe that, when acquiring the verbal lexicon of a first language, learners use a large number of generic
verbs such as kroić “to cut” or (roz)zbić, (z)łamać et (po)psuć “to break”. These
verbs may be used in non conventional statements.
The second element is non conventional statements based on verbs, such as
Rozbiera drewno “She undresses the wood”. These statements are considered as
errors, over-extensions or metaphors. But we assert that these statements reflect
a semantic flexibility which is essential to the acquisition of the (verbal) lexicon
when learning a first language. We believe that verbal lexicon is organized
through semantic proximity. This is in agreement with several other authors’
Our subjects are Polish adults and children. The children may be in the early
or late stages of language acquisition.
They were subjected to an experimental protocol which consisted in two
tasks: action denomination and action reformulation. Our results include both
semantic and statistical analysis. They reveal that all types of subjects produce
a large number of generic verbs and non conventional statements.
verbs, acquisition, Polish, semantic, approximation, generic, metaphor