Editorial Team


Anetta Bogusława Strawinska (University of Białystok, Poland) – is responsible for the review, revision and publication process, co-ordinates the work of the Editorial Board  and the co-operation with authors and the technical staff. She verifies texts related to the history of the Polish language, the language of the northeastern region of Poland and the Frontier („the Borderland”), historic lexicography, linguistic worldview of standard  Polish and  artistic texts, and  aesthetic stylistics.


Editorial Assistant

Ewa Gorlewska (University of Białystok, Poland)  -  manages the organizational and administrative aspects of the editorial proces.

Editorial Board

Małgorzata Bortliczek (Univerity of Silesia, Poland) – verifies papers pertaining to contemporary Polish language, appropriate language use in educational context, and linguistic communication.

Joanna Cholewa (University of Białystok, Poland) – verifies papers written in French.

Lilia Citko (University of Białystok, Poland) – verifies papers written in Russian.

Michał Daszkiewicz (Univerity of Gdańsk, Poland) – verifies papers written in English.

Miroslava Gavurová (University of Presov, Slovakia) – verifies texts related to translation studies, with focus on translation criticism, translation of children's literature and essays

Milica Lazovic (University of Marburg, Germany) – verifies texts in the German language.

Fabrice Marsac (University of Strasbourg, France) – verifies texts in the French language.

Dorota Rembiszewska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) – verifies texts related to Slavic dialectology, the onomastics of the Polish-Slavic frontier (Borderland) and historic ethnography.

Irena Szczepankowska (University of Białystok, Poland) – verifies papers pertaning to  semantics, pragmatics of public discourse, the history of Polish legal language in the context of the development of other European languages of law.

Joanna Szerszunowicz  (University of Białystok, Poland) – verifies texts related to contrastive phraseology, phraseostylistics, phraseography and translation theory.


Language editors

Olga Anchimiuk,  Diana Saniewska,  Lutz Harbig,  Kirk Palmer


Advisory Board

Stanisław Dubisz (University of Warsaw, Poland),  Sabine Fiedler (University of Leipzig, Germany), Irine Goshkheteliani (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia), Shin'ichiro lshikawa (Kobe University, Japan), Janja Polajnar Lenarčič (Unversity of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Irena Masojć (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania), Krisztina Molnár  (University of Pécs,  Hungary), Kazimierz Ożóg (University of Rzeszow, Poland),  Ewa Sławkowa (University of Silesia, Poland), Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń (University of Lodz, Poland), Aleksander Zubow (Minsk State Linguistics University, Belarus).