The semantic categories of threats and warnings and their fundamental features

Żanna Starowa

Żanna Starowa - Instytut Problemów Radykalizmów, Kijów

Natalia Masalska

Natalia Masalska - Szkoła średnia nr 31, Grodno


The article is a detailed analysis of communicative discourses expressing threat or warning in the Russian and German language, which allowed to determine significant features of these semantic categories, e.g. prioritization/non-prioritization of the addressee, compulsoriness/non-compulsoriness of communicated actions for the participants of a communicative discourse, etc. Moreover, the analysis has revealed that in utterances expressing threat or warning we may distinguish such semantic elements as prejudice (against something), ban, promise and command.


Starowa, Żanna and Masalska, N. (2008) “The semantic categories of threats and warnings and their fundamental features”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (8), pp. 143–159. doi: 10.15290/baj.2008.08.11.

Żanna Starowa 
Żanna Starowa - Instytut Problemów Radykalizmów, Kijów
Natalia Masalska 
Natalia Masalska - Szkoła średnia nr 31, Grodno