Multiaspectuality of crosslinguistic equivalence of fixed multiword units and the onomasiological approach on the example of phraseological units such as tęga głowa [lit. a great head]

Joanna Szerszunowicz

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The aim of this paper is to discuss the usefulness and reliability of the onomasiological approach in the cross-linguistic analysis of fixed multiword expressions based on the example of Polish phrases coined according to the model: ADJECTIVENOM FEM SING + GŁOWA ‘HEAD’ and their English and Italian counterparts. The three corpora are constituted by expressions registered in general and phraseological dictionaries of the respective languages to ensure that the units belong to the canon of Polish, English and Italian phraseological stock. The analysis of units collected for the purpose of the study clearly shows that in order to determine the true picture of cross-linguistic equivalence, the study should be focused on semantics of analysed phrases. Furthermore, the formal aspectmay be of minor significance in some cases due to the similarity of imagery of a source language idiom and the target language lexical item. On the other hand, stylistic value may have a great impact on the relation of cross-linguistic correspondence of the analysed units.


contrastive analysis, cross-linguistic equivalence, phraseological unit

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Szerszunowicz, J. (2020) “Multiaspectuality of crosslinguistic equivalence of fixed multiword units and the onomasiological approach on the example of phraseological units such as tęga głowa [lit. a great head]”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (20), pp. 333–355. doi: 10.15290/baj.2020.20.25.

Joanna Szerszunowicz 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku