Proper names from language to discourse

Joëlle Constanza

Université de Tours


The proper name corresponds to a speech act, ruled by social conventions and founded by a nomination act which refers to a particular individual. The traditional criteria used to distinguish it from the common noun and to predict its said marginal functioning are not sufficient to define it as a linguistic category and even less so as a speech phenomenon. We consider the proper name in a more general frame, as a facet of the nomination, dynamic process in discourse where one can study its discursive functions and its different types of uses in context in a specific media genre, the written press, considered as a discursive genre in the tradition of the Ecole française of discourse analysis.


proper name, nomination, media discourse, discourse analysis

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Constanza, J. (2019) “Proper names from language to discourse”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (19), pp. 79–90. doi: 10.15290/baj.2019.19.05.

Joëlle Constanza 
Université de Tours