Grammatical category of the SN: analysis of the number in corpus of Lithuanian learners

Vitalija Kazlauskiene

Université de Vilnius


In French, the morphological category of the number is manifested by specifiers or an alteration of the forms of lexemes throughout the nominal phrase, thus presenting a certain difficulty for Lithuanian learners. We have analyzed this grammatical category in the written productions of Lithuanian learners in FLE through the study of the difficulties encountered by them, general tendencies of their forms of employment in written language (frequency and omission in the employment of the different elements) and their influence on the quality of the written language itself.


grammatical category, noun phrase, number, corpus of Lithuanian learners

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Kazlauskiene, V. (2019) “Grammatical category of the SN: analysis of the number in corpus of Lithuanian learners”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (19), pp. 157–174. doi: 10.15290/baj.2019.19.10.

Vitalija Kazlauskiene 
Université de Vilnius