Glamour – Magic or Manipulation? A Short History and Definition

Anetta Bogusława Strawińska

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The article is an attempt to systematise the definition of glamour and establish the etymology of the word. The author analyses glamour through extra-linguistic factors, i.e. in the context of political, cultural and social change not only in Poland, but throughout Europe and the world. It is the main intention of the author to unmask the fraud carried by glamour. Glamour is a deliberate mystification, with the aim of arousing interest in a particular movie or TV star; the almost universal desire for luxury goods and services. These needs are served by a huge technical effort in the form the cosmetic, fashion, automobile, movie and TV industry. This fraud was and is possible because the desire for luxury and showing off is part of human nature.


changes in modern Polish, mystification, linguistic fashion, falshood in language



Strawińska, A. B. (2014) “Glamour – Magic or Manipulation? A Short History and Definition”, Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (14), pp. 165–175. doi: 10.15290/baj.2014.14.10.

Anetta Bogusława Strawińska 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku