Reviewing Procedure

  1. After receiving a manuscript, the Editorial Board conduct a preliminary evaluation to ensure that the submitted manuscript is consistent with the substantive and thematic scope of the journal.
  2. The manuscript is forwarded to at least two independent reviewers affiliated with a foreign institution.
  3. The journal uses double-blind peer review, which usually takes up to 3 months.
  4. Each reviewer is obliged to sign a declaration of no conflict of interest with the author whereby they state that:
  • they are not engaged in any personal relation with the author (i.e. family relations, legal relations, a dispute, etc.),
  • they are not engaged in any professional relation with the author,
  • they have not been in a direct academic collaboration with the author during the last two years preceding the review process.
  1. The review is delivered in writing and concludes with a clear-cut recommendation to accept the article for publication or to reject it.
  2. The list of reviewers is available in each issue of the journal and on the journal’s website.
  3. The reviewers' identities are not disclosed to the authors.

Review form