Matka w poetyckim obrazie świata Wisławy Szymborskiej
The article focuses on the ways Wisława Szymborska potrays a mother in her poetic works. The main goal of the analysis is to establish and discuss characteristic features of mother figure and to define the linguistic and stylistic measures Szymborska employs to convey her artistic vision. Additionally, the connotations of mother exposed in Szymborska’s poetry are confronted with the traditional view of maternity to highlight the differences and similarities between a generally accepted stereotype and the artistic vision of the poet. The study shows that the portrayal of mother in Szymborska’s poetry is characterized by a diversity of representation and artistic vibrancy of language used by the artist, who is not confining herself only to dictionary definitions and stereotypes.
Palabras clave:
Wisława Szymborska, poetry, mother, linguistic view of the worldCitas
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