Konceptualne metafory olfaktoryczne w internetowych opisach perfum
The aim of this article is the analysis of conceptual metaphors appearing in non-specialist, internet descriptions of perfume scents. The analysed material was assigned accordingly to conceptual metaphor categories such as SCENT IS A HUMAN BEING, SCENT IS A RELATION, SCENT IS NATURE, SCENT IS A PIECE OF CLOTHING and SCENT IS GASTRONOMY. Analysis of the descriptions indicates a tendency to conceptualise perfume scent within the conceptual framework typical of olfactory perception, i.e. nature, humans and their products. Creative realisations of metaphors included in the descriptions suggest, however, that changing the original domain from SCENT to PERFUME results in creative realisations that emphasize the divisive character of fragrance and the overall aspect of its sensory cognition.Palabras clave:
cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, conceptualisation of fragrance, fragrance description, creative use of languageCitas
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