Nazwy własne w ponowoczesnych tekstach reklamowych

Izabela Łuc

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The article discusses the problem of place, role, meaning and functions of proper names in post-modern advertising texts. The description and analysis proposed herein concern anthroponyms and geonyms. The presentation of the material for analysis, taken from the mass media in the years from 2010–2013, was divided into three thematic groups: 1) authentic anthroponyms in the advertising text; 2) non-authentic anthroponyms (artificial names invented by copywriters) as a persuasive advertising component; 3) geonyms in the consumerist communications space. The issues discussed have been divided into problem categories in order to present the material for analysis more clearly, and to highlight the complexity of this process. The problematic aspects have been described within the context of post-modern changes in the identity of language and communication.

Palabras clave:

nazwy własne, postmodernizm, ponowoczesność, teksty reklamowe


Łuc, I. (2013) «Nazwy własne w ponowoczesnych tekstach reklamowych», Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (13), pp. 187–202. doi: 10.15290/baj.2013.13.12.

Izabela Łuc 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach