Segmentacja tekstu naukowego

Jolanta Gorbacz-Pazera


Problems concerning the division of textual space in scientific literature, in particular medical sublanguage, are discussed in the present paper. Both pragmatic signals of segmentation facilitating prognosis of content continuity and functional-communicative signals including language exponents were analyzed. The paper is an attempt to answer the following questions: when is communication the best?; what are the conditions ensuring communicative efficiency of a text)?; what should be a text like to arouse interest in the addressee?; what is the secret of aesthetic influence of a text?, etc . Major conditions of the most effective harmonious dialogue between the author and the addressee are mentioned as follows: 1 ) presence of contact, 2) knowledge of code (language), 3) common thesaurus (knowledge of the world), 4) partnership of communication participants, 5) presence of appropriate intentions (aims, motives), 6) presence of communication and pragmatic principles of communications.


Gorbacz-Pazera, J. (2004) « Segmentacja tekstu naukowego », Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, (4), p. 47–61. doi: 10.15290/baj.2004.04.04.

Jolanta Gorbacz-Pazera